The new Corbin Handbook of Bullet Swaging, No.9, is available on CD-ROM or USB memory. This is the newest update to the Corbin Handbook, which has been published in 8 previous editions over the past 30 years. The CD-ROM contains both a standard Adobe Acrobat PDF format eBook, which can be viewed and printed using the Acrobat Reader as well as browsers updated with the on-line PDF reader and most e-book readers. |
The book includes new information and developments in bullet swaging, jacket making, and presses for reloading and swaging, in an expanded and enlarged edition. Anyone who has previous editions will benefit from the new information presented. People who are just getting started or interested in bullet swaging or jacket making will find the information useful in making decisions about the right equipment to obtain for any given kind or style of bullet. The CD-ROM can be opened by clicking the CDM file (CD Menu) in nearly any version of Windows. The PDF version of the file is readable with most Apple computers, as well, if they have Acrobat Reader installed (which is free from Adobe Software). The menu gives choices of installing Adobe Acrobat reader (which displays the book in various sizes on screen, searches for text, and scrolls page by page simply by moving an on-screen "hand" icon up or down the page), or just opening the book if the reader or another version of it has already been installed. The book or any part of it can be printed directly from the reader software. See table of contents, browse book... The book is available on the secure web store |
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Handbook Of Bullet Swaging #9